I’m Tami.
Like so many people in this world, I had a hell of a childhood. My Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) score is an 8, and you would think that would doom me for life, but really it made me relentless in the pursuit of never having a life like that again.
I had my first job at 9 (a paper route), lost my mom at 16 and my dad at 22, sexual abuse, spent 20 years in corporate America (a publishing company and one of the world's largest athletic and sportswear companies), created a handbag company, published a blog, and so many more interesting and challenging life experiences that make me the determined, sassy, fierce, loud, energetic woman with very thick skin.
I was always going, always doing, always trying to be the best, because anything less could mean I could be back there. I worked long hours, tried hard, and controlled all the things. I pushed my body hard, made others happy and I tried to check all the boxes. I sprinted, yet it was a marathon. And I crashed. My health tanked. I did all this because I thought it would keep me safe from my past and all the stories I was told over the years of what success could and should look like.
I’m not that person anymore. I was filling a void. One where I no longer was listening to my heart. I left my corporate job, moved across the country with my family to a new city and state after 20 years in the Pacific Northwest, and began to design my life on my terms.
It was not easy, but I relearned how to:
Breathe. Slow down. Do things for me. Listen to my body. Design a life for ME.
Not for parents that will never see my success. For this badass woman who deserves it all and then some.
A bit more about me? Wife. Mom. Intuitive. Recovering Runner. Voracious Reader. Analogy Queen. I am a laid back, no-bullshit partner, who will kick your ass, teach and mentor you. Together we look at what you want, where you feel stuck, and how you can design a life for you.
You deserve to live the life you have always wanted — on your terms.
Certifications & Experience:
Life Coach Certification, The Life Coach School
Certifications: Embodied Transformation, Power of Presence
20+ years in Corporate (10 years at a non-profit, 10 years at a Fortune 500 Sport/Sportswear)
Change Management + Transformation with large corporate transformation
Bachelors Degree in Sociology
Non-profit Board Vice Chair, Communications