You can create the life you want.


As a kid, my dad often told us, “Children are to be seen and not heard.” So I was often quiet in his presence and afraid of rocking the boat. I was taught to be good, quiet and do what I was told. 

Yet, there was a determined, sassy, fierce, loud, energized girl hidden under very thick skin. A women’s studies class in college let that feisty girl out into the open. I had my first job at 9 (a paper route), 20 years in corporate America (a publishing company and one of the world's largest athletic and sportswear companies), creation of a handbag company, a blog, the loss of both of my parents by the age of 20, sexually abused, and so much more. I learned to care for everyone else, but not put myself first. 

I was successful at 40. I had a good job, a wonderful husband, my amazing son, money in the bank, a nice house, and was known for being an activist for things that did not feel right in the world. 

I had already accomplished so much BUT I felt I should be more fulfilled. 

It should have all made me happier. Right? 

I felt stuck. My worth was wrapped up in my job and family, and putting everyone else first. I would have bouts of anger. I could not see where I was going in my career. Then someone told me the only way I could make change in my life was to TAKE ACTION. 

So I did. TWO weeks later I began extensive life coach training at The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo. My mind was blown. 

“I took it off. I did not want to carry it with me anymore.”

My life experience and life coach training make me a perfect fit for anyone that feels stuck and wants to make a change in their life. Together we look at what you want, where you feel stuck, and determine how you can take action.

A bit more about me? Wife. Mom. Intuitive. Runner. Voracious Reader. Analogy Queen. 

I am a laid back, no-bullshit partner, who will kick your ass, mentor and teach you. I get energized by the possibilities in your life. I help you reach your desired results. 
