We are all in different places in our lives right now. Some have things fairly normal and go to work as our front line workers (thank you for taking care of us doctors, grocery and restaurant workers, acupuncturists, the list goes on). For others we are done with being at home for work and balancing work and family. Some are frustrated with the political landscape, and others are just enjoying accepting what is.

Whatever your situation your emotional resilience to the day-to-day may change at a moment’s notice. Yesterday morning, my son was full of tantrums but by the end of the day he had worked through his frustration.

It happens to us all.

I talk to my son in the same way I talk to a client.

What are you choosing to think right now?

You get to decide how you want to act.

You get to decide if you want to be kind or unkind, to say the bad words to me.

How I choose to react to him matters as well.

I can’t change him.

When I accept what is, it removes all the angst of having to control the situation.

I see him as his own being who is learning to decide how he wants to show up.

He takes his cues from his parents right now.

I can’t change the news, I can’t control the news, but I can accept what is happening (because it is what is happening) and decide how I want to respond. I can get involved or sit on my butt.

Accept what is, listen from your heart, and choose how you want to react.


Feeling worthy.


Confident Resilience