Because I want to
We are all just doing our best — or trying to.
And yet some of us have lived a lot of our life feeling like we are never doing enough, trying hard enough, and attaining goals fast enough.
Does that sound like you?
I’ve been there.
I started working when I was 9 years old. My parents must have been crazy to let a 9-year-old have an afternoon paper route. Oh the stories I have!
And somehow that 9-year-old started to learn how to work hard and what it felt like to be successful, earn money, and do, do, do.
Always trying to exceed the goal, break our best time, do better than before.
But for WHO and WHY?
At some point in the last few years I started to really evaluate why I was working so damn hard.
It might have been the pandemic, or that many of the projects at my corporate job seemed to repeat themselves. You know… build the thing, then reorganize the team, break the thing, rebuild the thing, etc.
It became so clear to me that I no longer wanted to try to exceed the goal all the time, and if I was going to it was because I REALLY WANTED TO — not to meet someone else’s expectations.
And sometimes we keep doing the thing because it is the only way we know how to live life and stepping away from it means we are walking away from something good. But what if it could all be so much better?
What if we are going about it all wrong and it was always more about being? Being in the experience, enjoying the ride, just sitting on your couch (yes, sit on the damn couch for once), listening more and learning to feel.
Do any of those make you uncomfortable?
If so, then I want to talk to you!
Starting to create places in your life for things you want to do will create a domino effect — and you may just think, “Damn, I should have done this a long time ago.”
I dare you to go and just sit on the couch.