Can you receive a compliment?

How do you handle a compliment? Do you say thank you or find a way to deflect?

I have had a hard time receiving compliments. In the past, whenever I received one, I deflected and tried to take the attention away from me. Why is that so hard for some of us? Is it that we do not believe we are worthy of the compliment? Or, we are just uncomfortable hearing good things from other people?

Whatever the reason, it is time to start letting the good in. Stop and listen to the compliment. Soak it up. Own it. The more you receive, the more you are able to give. Receive those compliments.

This past weekend, I was buying mascara and the woman in the store said she liked my sneakers. I said, “Thank you” and walked away. Mission accomplished.


Relationships: It's all about your thoughts

The one thing no one can take from you.