My crazy sleep habit
I have a crazy sleep habit that formed when I spent 3 years in a boarding high school and 4 years in a dorm in college, plus 15 years of sharing a room with my sister. Yes that is 22 years of sharing light, space, and sound with another human.
When necessary I sleep with a pillow over my face. It is a thin, lightweight down pillow and I’ve mastered the art of my nose sticking out so I can breathe, and my ears being covered to block out the sound.
You might be thinking “Why do you have to do it now?” A 4.5 year old that still wakes up at night and a snoring husband. It’s also great for naps during the day. Somehow the routine of it helps me to also quiet my mind that seems to never stop thinking.
I had an epiphany the other night about my crazy sleep habit.
My pillow covering me while I sleep is how I block out what is happening around me, just like we each have to learn to manage our minds and decide what we want to allow into our thoughts. It is a reminder to pause and decide what we want to believe.
We get to decide when to cover our eyes, face, and ears of ambient sound. We get to turn off the noise, quiet our mind, and rest.
I am here to help you create tactics to block out the noise and get clear on what you let in. Sign up for a consult call with me, and I’ll help you find your own version of my crazy sleep habit.