Raw and unfiltered. 

I have been off of social media for a few months. I've consumed, but I have not shared. 

I've struggled with my health over the past few months. My Covid long haulers has been kicking my butt. 

I get an odd vibe from people when I tell them that I'm dealing with long haulers. Most people do not really understand what it is like — and hopefully they never will.

Some days my brain works, and some days it doesn't. 

Some days I have energy and some days I don't.

Some days I can write and think deep thoughts and others I can barely play a game on my phone. 

I have very little control over how I am going to feel when I wake up. 

I can eat super well, try to do exercise that will not knock me out for days.

I try to feel normal.

While also seeing that maybe I had been doing life wrong all along. 

These last few months have taught me to live in the present moment.

To be more present for my son, because it was ALL I COULD do. 

I've had more fun.

I've laughed more. 

Maybe none of that would have happened if I had not been required by my body to take this pause? 

I am sharing this with you for those wondering why I went radio silent, and as a reminder that we all could slow down, laugh more, and live more. 

Live your life raw and unfiltered, and maybe that thing that is happening that you hate, is exactly what you need to bloom into your next phase. 


Ask for what you want


Tell Me What You Want