As Valentine’s Day approaches, what if you think less of what you get and more of what you can give to others?

I actually detest Valentine’s Day. It is a hallmark holiday where people get their hopes up. Why do we do that each year? We create a story that [something] is going to happen and then [it] doesn’t and we get upset — all from the story we are telling ourselves.

What if we created a new story? One that is about how we love and pamper ourselves instead of waiting for someone else to love us.

Our value does not come from cards, flowers, or chocolates. It comes from the thoughts we choose to think. What if you choose to think thoughts of unconditional love? That you are loved immensely, now and forever. It is true, and all you have to do is choose to think that about yourself. You can start now. You are loved. Believe it.


A want ad for your future


What energy did your thoughts bring?