We are such a competitive culture.

We always want to be the best and win regardless of who we push aside.

Why are we so hung up on failing?

We cannot succeed if we have not failed along the way.

It means we are willing to feel our feelings and continue to work towards our goals.

Think about how long and hard professional athletes work and fail in order to succeed.

Think about how many successful business owners try again and again.

Failing means we’ve tried, we’ve learned, and we’ve grown as a result.

What if right now, as we look at issues of equality in the world, we stop worrying about offending others, but we try new things. We reach out, we listen more, and do it knowing we may fail, but knowing eventually we will get it right.

Let’s not stop trying because we are worried of who we are going to piss off, and rather care more about where we are going and why.

If you are struggling with letting yourself fail, sign up for a quick chat with me. We can look into what is holding you back from taking action and what you might be afraid of failing.


Manage your energy


Awareness and vigilance