Athlete Mindset: Practice New Thoughts

What if we started to think about strengthening our thoughts the way an athlete strengthens their body?

Think of all the hours an athlete spends practicing their craft.

They are artists of their sport.

They are strategists for how to shave off that extra second of time that may just make them world class.

Do we spend that kind of time on our thoughts?

Think about it for a moment.

You are you.

All day long you think thoughts.

The thoughts that consume our brain over and over again are the ones we start to believe — and we do not even realize it.

We practice the thoughts we think, just like an athlete practices their sport.

We may think:

“I am not good enough.”
”I am not fast enough.”
”I can’t keep up with others on my team.”

What if you started to practice new thoughts?

“I have everything I need.”
”I am as fast as I need to be.”
”I do it my way.”

Start your morning with an athlete mindset, chiseling away at the thoughts that do not bring you joy and replace them with new ones. Ones that make you strong and empower you to be your best.

If that feels daunting to you, stop right now and reach out to me. We can chat about ways you can start a new daily practice for your thoughts. The outcome will blow your mind.


Do you just want to bounce back?


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