Be who you need to be today

I have been in a funk these last few days. I’m not yet sure why, but I’m sitting in it. I’m sitting in the funk, allowing it to just happen. I’m not trying to push it away or make it mean anything.

I’m just in a funk.

How often do we try to figure it out, instead of just letting it happen and learning from it?

I feel like I am in a bit of a metamorphosis stage, letting go of some old shit and making room for the new in my life.

I am sitting in the funk and listening and being hyper-aware of what the stillness is telling me.

As a coach, my defenses would tell me: Do not tell the world you are in a funk.

And yet, every day I learn a bit more about how I see myself so I can help you see yourself.

I am sharing that vulnerability with you, so you can sit in your own funks, get quiet and listen.

I’m learning to be less in my head and my thoughts and more in my body where the energy and sensations reside.

I’m learning that all those things we thought we were working for, don’t really matter, and block the flow of what is actually really coming to us.

I’m sad today, and rather than keep that from you, hide from my computer, I am giving you the truest me today.

When you are in your own funk, I hope you will get quiet, write, go for a walk, talk to someone and just allow the thoughts, feelings and sensations be what they are — with no judgement or shame. Just be who you need to be today.


Finding out who we really are


Are you in a hurry?