I have been talking to a lot of people lately and many conversations have been about comparisons.

There is nothing good or bad in comparisons.

Comparisons look at what is the same or different.

When we add meaning to comparisons in our life, we may cause pain or joy.

When you compare yourself to another person, you may think:

Someone has it easier than I do.

They have more help right now.

They do not have as much work to do.

They have money, or a job, or family to help.

When you stop making comparisons mean something in your life, you stop feeling pain.

You have what you have in front of you.

You have it hard or easy based on what you make it mean.

If you want it to be easy, it will be easy.

If you want it to be hard, it will be hard.

What do you want to choose?


Are you a carrier?

