How many times in your life have you paused and thought -- this is exactly what I always wanted?

Generally speaking, we don't pause. We decide we have already started down this path so pivoting now may erase all the work we have already made towards our goal. 

But what if our dream has changed? What if what we thought we wanted is not what we want anymore? 

It can be scary to acknowledge to yourself that the life you are living is either one you have mapped from someone else’s plan for you, you have outgrown, or what you thought you wanted is not at all making you happy. 

It can also be daunting to get started. “Where do I even begin?” 

Monthly, quarterly, yearly Life Design sessions are a moment to pause and reassess the trajectory of your life. 

My husband and I have been doing them almost every year for the past 20 years. I always put them in my current notebook so I can look back and assess progress and see the thoughts and feelings I had during that time of my life. 

You can do a Life Design session solo, with a partner, or your family. Or start dreaming solo and bring the dreams together for your family into one plan. 

Use a notebook or journal, the notes app on your phone or computer, or if you are really visual use Keynote, PowerPoint, or Canva to visualize your answers. 

These are the three simple questions we started with back in 2004:

  1. Core Values: What is most important to us?  (No debt, save money, life balance, reliable income, exercise…)

  2. Dreams: What do we dream about? Splurge on? 

  3. Where to visit: Travel list?


  • Have you paused and asked yourself if where you are is where you want to be?

  • Recurrent Life Design sessions help you to recalibrate and see if you are where you want to be or if it is time to think bigger.

For my free Life Design Workbook - click here


What brings you joy?


"There is more to life than this."