Embody Joy
I can be a bit of a scrooge around the holidays.
My childhood was a rough one and I don’t have great memories of this time of year.
I remember being alone a lot and wondering where I would be and who I might be with during a time when most people are with their families. Mostly I could not wait for it to just be over.
It mostly felt sad — the word sorrow comes to mind.
In any case, I have had a few conversations over the past week where the word “joy” has surfaced. I was asked how I experience it and feel it in my heart. It was like my body physically was against hearing the word and all I wanted to do was run.
So, of course, I knew it meant it was time to dig in.
We often know how to make shit happen in our lives, but do we know how to truly embody joy?
For me, the tough times of life have led me to hold onto grief and pain. Now it is time to shed those and begin to allow joy. To know it is coming. To expect it. To manifest it.
More joy than sorrow.
So how do you experience joy? How do you bring it into your life?