Celebrate + Reflect

This week is a week of pause for me. I’m not working this week.

I’m catching up on life.

And of course — what always happens to me? I crash.

I’ve been going so hard that my body shuts down and I need to sleep.

I actually slept most of the weekend.

As you ease into the holiday (whether with friends or family or not), take a moment to pause, reflect and celebrate all that you have this year.

Even though this may have been the oddest year of your life, there is always something to celebrate.

What did you learn about yourself this year?

What are you grateful for?

What did you do that you never thought was possible?

I know I am more resilient than I thought, and I never thought I could work and parent an almost 5 year old. And yet, I am so grateful for the time I had with my husband and son. While it was fucking hard, I will never forget it, and I am grateful we had the opportunity to quarantine together. I definitely never thought that was something that would happen.

Sometimes the thing we think is the worst, has a silver lining.

Look for your silver lining and celebrate it.


A day to watch.


What if you are right where you are supposed to be?