Half Full, Half Empty, or Both?
Are you a glass half full or glass half empty person?
I’m both.
Like the introvert or extrovert conversation, I am an ambivert - a little of both.
There are times when I am really on my game, centered, and in a good place of managing my mind — those are my glass half full days.
And there other days where the curve balls feel like just too much, and I get stuck in the shitty thought-cycle of what is on my plate, who did what to me (or what they did not do for me), and may get angry and sulk.
We don’t have to feel like we have to be optimistic ALL the damn time.
We are all just doing our best, catching fly balls, and running the bases of life.
It is our intention that matters most, and when our intentions are in the right place then we roll with however much water (or alcohol if needed) is in that glass.
What if the glass was just filled with goodness regardless of how full it is?
What do you think?