Not feeling isolated during the holidays
This has been the strangest 8 months of my life.
I have been talking to quite a few folks this week about the idea of feeling isolated.
For some of you that might be extroverts, being at home so much might be really hard.
For those of you that are introverts, you might love this quiet time at home.
For many, not being able to travel or be with family during the holidays is the hardest pill to swallow right now.
You feel isolated.
I want to offer you another way to look at this time and the holidays.
What if we all have this fantasy fairytale that the holidays mean Santa, gifts, food, and family time. Is that what it really is? Or are the holidays at this time of year more about giving, community, and quality time?
Growing up the holidays were not really fun for me. We were poor and my parents were stretched thin, I think I picked up on their angst of how hard it was to make Christmas happen. Fast forward to middle school and my mom was in the hospital and my dad was not around after they divorced. I remember a Christmas where we had spaghetti that we were able to purchase at the local convenience store. Let’s just say I do not have fond memories.
Some of you might have amazing family holiday memories, and others have experiences like I had. Regardless, what matters most this year is how we choose to think about the holidays.
Are you going to wallow in the fact that you are not with your family, or find creative ways to connect with them from afar? What kind of games can you play on Zoom? Can you cook together via Zoom?
What creative ideas can you do with friends around you that might be in your “bubble”? Could you start a new tradition? You might even find that new tradition is even more fun than with your family.
When we shift our mindset and focus on what we do have, and let go of what we cannot have, we find new and creative ways to spend our time AND the result is that we feel less isolated. What can you do to give more, create community, and celebrate from afar this year?
I’d love to hear what new ideas you have!