Just this...
This moment right now.
It is all you have.
It is already gone.
Do you ever think about how much time we spin with our thoughts about what could happen? We get freaked out, are afraid, and sometimes spin out of control.
All we ever have is right now.
I have been doing a lot of driving this week. My husband is traveling which means I do drop off and pick up at school which equals more podcast time when I am driving back home.
I was listening to a Tara Brach podcast - and she says a few times: “Just this. Just this. Just this.”
It was a reminder that we have no control over the future so why do we agonize over it?
We have no control over what other people think about us, so why do we let our mind wander about that as well?
When we are most aware, most present we see: Just this.
The now.
As good, or shitty as the now is it ALWAYS has to do with how we react to what is happening.
Maybe set your phone lock screen to say: Just this.
It is your reminder to breathe, and just let what is happening around you happen.
Then breathe and decide how you want to respond.
I mean really what we usually forget to do is breathe.
Am I right?