Screw perfection
How many hours of your life have you wasted trying to make something perfect?
Many of us were raised in the era of the perfect Hollywood movie that showed the perfect life. A family, job, 2.5 kids, dog, and the white picket fence.
Is that really what we all wanted?
Or is that what we thought we wanted because that is what everyone else around us was chasing down?
And who truly is the one that decides what is perfect?
SCREW perfection!
The lies we listen to or tell ourselves to do it all and be all, have meant we wasted a lot of our life where we could have had more fun, found more connection, slept more and just lived.
What did you miss out on in your life because you were trying to prove yourself or because you thought you had to be perfect?
I am a card carrying survivor of trying to make it all happen, do it all, and never having fun in the process.
But I’m done with that part of my life. I’m done giving a shit about perfection, because honestly there is no such thing.
What matters more is that you take care of your body, your mind, your family.
That you are present, that you love, and feel loved.
Perfection does not give you any of that.
So what do you want? To be perfect, or to LIVE and feel ALIVE?!?
You do you.