When it's just too much
A lot is happening.
I’m in the Pacific Northwest and wildfires are burning, homes are being evacuated, wind has caused destruction and power outages, and my house smells like smoke and making my eyes burn and my head spin.
It is in some ways isolating. It’s just too much.
Due to the smoke we have been stuck inside since Monday.
We are on day 182 of Covid.
I am not sure what is next or what more can happen in 2020.
I take it as a moment of pause.
What are the things right in front of me that I can hold onto?
How can I go from feeling isolated to insulated with love?
What are the good things that are happening (so many days with my boys at home, we are safe, we are still at home, we have power).
When we look at and focus on the good, we move towards it.
What do you want to look at today when so much is uncertain?