Now is a time for...
I never thought I would have taken clean air for granted. I did.
I never thought I would ever feel so uncertain about what is next in my life. I am.
I never thought I would be working from home with my preschooler for over 6 months. I am.
I never thought I would see so much hatred in this country. I see it everywhere.
Now is a time for looking at life differently.
Now is a time for loving our neighbors, helping them, taking care of them.
Now is a time for cherishing the time we have with our family.
Now is a time for knowing nothing was ever certain, and it never will be.
We are where we are because we need to heal our planet, our political system, our country, our corporations. We need to be more inclusive of all races, genders, and views.
It all starts with love. How can we love others if we do not love ourselves?
We need more coping skills, resilience, and space for pause.
It starts with you. It starts with me.
What are you going to do today to take nothing for granted?