Looking back + big dreams

Have you ever taken the time to look back on all you have accomplished?

I’m not talking about looking back over the last year — what about the last 5, 10, or 20 years?

After moving across the country I had an itch to look back at my old journals. I did not pull out the ones from high school or college (I’ll do that eventually), I started in 2000. The turn of the century felt like a good time and soon after that was when I met my husband.

It has been fascinating reading about who I was then. The dreams I had, the emotions that were strong, the people that impacted my life.

What is interesting is that so many of the things I wrote — the threads are similar to today, and yet the goals that felt so big and bold then look a bit silly now because it looks like the goals were easy, (and yet they weren’t).

Almost everything I dreamed about has happened.

I look at the life I have built, the marriage I have cultivated, the people who have had an impact, and I am in awe.

So — “dream big” is not some bullshit self-help mantra.

It is a way to intentionally tell the universe what you want.

Do you know what you want for your life? Do you have big dreams?

Part of my role as a coach is to help you manifest what you want in life, so that you can share your light, be more alive, and eventually look back and say: “I did it.”

Reach out if you are ready to dream big and manifest that shit in your life.


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