“When you get what you want but not what you need.”

This Coldplay song has been going through my head all week, I keep singing it aloud, so much so that my son has been singing it too.

And I thought this morning — while it’s not exactly what the song is actually about, it could not more perfectly describe how so many of us feel.

I hear so often from my clients that they are happy, but “isn’t there more than this?” and “I worked hard for everything I wanted, but I’m just not really happy.”

We do not always know what we truly need.

When we have lived so long checking the boxes we “think” we should check, we get stuck and often are unfulfilled. We may then feel shame that we are not grateful for all we have and all we worked for.

And yet…what we need is so much more important.

What is it deep down that you really need?

More time with family?

What are the things that make you truly smile? They might not land on that list of check boxes and they might not add more zeros to your bank account.

When we start filling our time and space with more of what we truly need — that is authentic living. What do you need? I’m available to help you separate your wants from your needs so you can manifest the life you truly want.




Looking back + big dreams