We are restless and we don't know why. 

We are in the pursuit of seeking something we don’t have.

We are terrified to truly know ourselves -- inside and out. 

We want to fill a void that often we cannot even articulate but is in the shadows of our minds.

It is like that itch on your back that you cannot reach and it's driving you crazy. 

Something more. Something more. Something more. 

We are told to be grateful for where we are and to not ask for more. 

And yet, isn't that the journey of life? 

Learning more, being more, growing more? 

Some of you are scratching that itch, and you won't let anything get in the way. Others are numbing out on social media, TV, or filling every moment of the day with incessant busyness to not feel that void.

You deserve to be open to more, have more, feel alive, vibrant, and do what your wild little heart wants.

So let's get the fuck off the couch, roll up our sleeves and get started. 

If this resonates with you, I have three open spots in March for new clients.


Fear of being who you are


Get what you need