Marie Kondo Your Brain
I’m a minimalist. I like things neat and tidy, and I truly believe your environment around you mimics the environment in your brain. If everything is chaos in your brain, so will be your desk at work, and your home. I am one that has to clean up the space around me when I want to be creative. If I want to paint, or write, I need to have a bit of order around me. Whether that means that load of laundry has been started, or the dishwasher is going, clean to me brings calmness to me internally.
Two weekends ago, I had a much needed Marie Kondo moment with my closet. It was the end of the longer Thanksgiving holiday, and somehow I felt I had the space to literally pull out every item in my closet, try it on, and for much of it, get rid of it for good.
I tried many of the ideas I learned in my Life Coach training. Does this item serve me? When it is 4 sizes too big, no, it does not serve me. When it is stretched and worn out, or does not fit at all, no it does not serve me. Do I want it? Do I love it? For some reason, this time I did the closet purge I went all in and had no regrets. It was the BEST FEELING EVER. Now when I walk into my closet, there is so much free space, no clutter, and except for a piece or two I want to add, I feel free.
The same pertains to our minds. What in your life is not serving you? What do you want, what do you love, and what do you need to get rid of? Schedule time with me to chat more about how I can help you learn to clear the clutter in your mind, find out what serves you, and what needs to be sent to Goodwill.