My Untraditional Women's History Month Idol
I have been thinking a lot about Women’s History Month and what woman in my life has inspired me or been a mentor for me. I have a few that have come to mind. So many think of our mothers, teachers, or famous women, and I think about those women icons we have learned from, but it has been 27 years since my mother passed and I have lived almost twice as long without my mom as the years I had with her.
I have a college professor that is and always will be a mentor and inspiration to me.
Today though I had an aha moment while reading the book “American Daughter” (this memoir is a definite must read). I know it may be untraditional to think this way and I should be thinking about a woman, but honestly I have been thinking about this a lot this past year.
My husband is who I want to discuss. I would not be the woman I am today if he did not spend extra time at odd hours with our son while I may be coaching or when (for my sanity) I want to go for a longer run, or take a hot bath. He is the one that often gets up at night because he knows I need more sleep than he does. He keeps us fed and enjoys doing it, and is always the one that will get on the floor and play trucks for hours with my son while I would lose my mind after a short period of truck play.
We are wired differently, and I cannot be the woman, wife, mom, coach, sister, friend that I am without him saying, “I got this… you go do you.” And while this month is about women’s history which focuses on women, there are the men that support us to make it all happen — so we can lead, shine, and have our voices heard.
Do you have an untraditional Women’s History Month person you want to call out? Share in the comments!