I just finished reading Matthew McConaughey’s memoir, “Greenlights.” The first time I picked it up I wasn’t super interested and somehow a few days ago I picked it up again and it resonated with me. It is a view into his struggles and learnings from a kid through his world in acting, his travels, and family life.

I am a believer in there is a time and place for a book in our lives and sometimes it is not what we need so we are less interested, and as life changes, it might be just the message we need.

McConaughey talks about how when we have something happening in our life that we think is impossible and we say that is “unbelievable” it is like it isn’t possible and yet it happened. It isn’t unbelievable we just think that it is.

So we need to stop using the word “unbelievable.” It doesn’t serve us.

We need to start to believe.

What if we believed anything is possible?

What if we believed we could do all the things?

We could get that job, start that business, say the hard thing to a loved one?

What if we no longer thought of things as “unbelievable?”

I’m a convert, Matthew McConaughey.

A definite must read.

If you want to spend some time exploring where you are not believing in your life, sign up for a free call with me where we can chat about what is causing you not to believe.


Fitting in or being yourself


My Untraditional Women's History Month Idol