Stop saying, "sorry."
I sent an email out today.
I shared my concerns.
I called out actions I felt were self serving to others, but not serving the greater group.
Then I spent a few hours stewing over whether I should have sent the email.
I questioned myself.
Would people think I was a bitch?
Would they respond?
What would they think of me?
Then I remembered.
Not sending the email was being obedient to what I think others want of me.
What did I want?
I wanted my voice to be heard and to send the email.
Our job is to live our truth, and not worry about disappointing others.
To stop caring what other people think of us.
Stop saying, “Sorry.”
Start living what you want.
What do you want? I’m here to help you find that out. Sign up for a consult call where I can help you stop giving a fuck what other people think, and start living for you.