We have not lost our POWER.

We have not lost our VOICE.

My range of emotions over the last few days after hearing about Roe vs. Wade: Anger. Resentment. Sadness. Shock.

Mostly though I keep thinking about my voice.

One of the most life changing moments in my life was when I realized that my voice had power.

Speaking up for those with less advantages, fighting for the underdog, and being the voice of accountability when no one is speaking up.

Often my modis operandi when I am angry is to go silent, but that is exactly what those 6 justices want. For women to be silenced and feel powerless.

5 men and 1 woman decided the fate of 166 million women in our country.

166 million women.

That is a lot of voices.

That is a lot of power.

Where am I starting?

We each have a choice of how and what we choose to think and feel about this situation and I, like 166 million other women (and the men that should be in their corners), am going to allow the emotions I have, then roll up my sleeves and determine how I want to act.

Your voice matters.

You are powerful.

What are you going to do about it?


Safety first

