We all want to feel safe.

It is a basic human right.

And it is being shattered on a daily basis.

Someone’s right to go to the store, church, movies, and watch a parade on the day we celebrate America.

A woman’s right to what she does with her body, so she feels safe in her home, on the street — anywhere.

Our right to have safe interactions with law enforcement.

It is too much.

Being on high alert all the time means that our flight or fight response turns into something chronic, leading to stress and health issues because our bodies should not always be on high alert.

Things feel out of control — and when things feel out of control, our normal response is to try to control everything around us.

That is futile as well because it’s just an illusion that we can really control it all.

So, where do we start?

  1. We are never going to know if something bad is going to happen, but we can hone our awareness of what is happening around us.

  2. We can be clear and decide what events and environments do not feel safe and honor the voice inside that tells us where we feel comfortable.

  3. We can strengthen our voice and stand up when we don’t feel safe.

  4. We can band together with those we trust to continue to create communities that create safe spaces for our families.


Your comfort.

Your voice.


It will not happen overnight, but together we can fight for one of the most basic human rights. If you are feeling like you don’t even want to leave home to go to the grocery store, reach out and we can chat further — we have to keep fighting.


Cherish these moments


Our voice is our power