How much time do you spend overthinking and obsessing about what you want in life? 

It consumes us. 

We think about finding a new job, whether they are thinking about us, or when we are going to start to feel healthy. 

It means we are literally not present with what is happening right now. 

The second you realize you are overthinking, you become present. 

You are here right now.

And now.

And now. 

When we expend energy wishing we were somewhere else it takes us away from now.

Which means most of us are never really here, never really present. 

So many amazing things are happening right in front of us. 

Are you watching? Listening? 

The world is becoming more and more divided and separate and disconnected. What if we begin a shift towards being right in the mess of it all that is happening right now? 

Try it over the next few days. 

A Few Takeaways: 

1. Awareness is the first step to be more present (am I here right now, or overthinking about tomorrow?)

2. Stop thinking about where you are not (you can keep dreaming though)

3. Be present where you are. (Even in that meeting…commute…)

I have a few coaching slots open in March. If you are interested or know of someone that wants to be more present in their life, learn steps to calm their mind, or just ready to make some big a** change, reach out to me. 


She believed she could, so she did

