Power to respond
We have more power than we think.
We often think we are at the mercy of other people’s decisions.
We think their opinion of us matters.
The reality is, our power lies within ourselves.
It exists in our minds.
Victor Frankl’s quote in “Man’s Search for Meaning” speaks exactly to this point:
“Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
I love this idea of space.
Space is the pause we take to breathe, and then choose.
Without reacting.
Choose what we want, how we want it, in the way we want it.
No more reacting to appease or gain approval from someone else.
What do you want?
Choose that as your response from a place of poise, peace and strength — from your power.
If you are still not sure or confident in that power, I want to talk to you. I guarantee I can help you see your power. Sign up for a free consult call with me so we can harness all that power within and respond.