How a vacuum reminded me to let go

Yes a vacuum.

Over the holiday my husband had back surgery, which means recovery, no bending, twisting, etc.

What did that mean for me? Our shared house chores (most of them) landed in my lap. Since I focus better when the floors are vacuumed (damn all my long hair), the trash is out, and all the other things that help me feel a bit more sane. Especially at a time when we are home ALL THE TIME. More of my hair everywhere.

My husband vacuums because he likes it a certain way — which means hell if I am going to do it. So over the holiday I vacuumed. Our vacuum is a rolling canister that you drag around the house. This may be fine if we were in a ranch, but we have a modern mid-century that has three different sets of stairs to navigate. I was dripping in sweat, felt like I had done a workout, and thought when can he bend again? I’m done with this shit.

So last weekend we ordered a new vacuum. Don’t worry I will stop talking about vacuums in a second.

It arrived today. I think we are both in heaven.

Innovation is amazing. I actually think for a little while we might compete over who is going to vacuum. This snazzy version, was sweat free, so easy to use, that it felt oddly rewarding.

And while I was pushing it around I thought, sometimes we have to let go of the old (it is like 7 years old, and it was so expensive, worked just fine, and honestly we didn’t need a new one). Sometimes we have to find things that make our life simpler, with the result that it brings us joy.

What is something you know right now you can get rid of to make room for something better? It might be thoughts you can let go of, items in your closet, friendships that are no longer serving you. Right now with so much happening in the world, it is a good time to let go of things weighing us down and no longer serving us.

Maybe you do not need to replace it with something new. But, if you do, be sure it brings you joy.


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