Decide what to renew + refresh
What in your life feels stagnate, old, and a little bit stinky?
Is working from home, schooling kids via Zoom, or being stuck in this pandemic vortex of crazy causing you to lose your mind a bit?
Do you still think you have to do it all?
Or can you look at life from a different focal point?
I am not one that likes New Year’s resolutions.
No one keeps them or if they do they are done a month later and then off on some other whim.
Why not decide now what you want to refresh in your life?
What is no longer working for you?
Is it your job, relationship, or how you show up in front of your kids?
Decide now what you want to renew, refresh, and change.
I am looking forward to the holidays as a time to be quiet.
Read more, do less, and dream.
What areas of your life do you want to look at differently? Post a comment or send me a message if you want to chat further. Where are you stuck, and where do you want to have a renewed look at your life. Start now, don’t wait until January 1st.