To be seen, loved, and known. 

It's really what our hearts want. 

To feel deeply connected to others. 

For some, that might be with a handful of people and for others they might have a tribe of people.

Regardless, it can be what drives us in life. 

To be seen, loved, and known. 

Yet, often the people we really want to see us don't, or others don't know how to see us in the way we need.

It leads to disappointment, sadness, and feelings of unworthiness. 

Yet, in order to truly be connected to others we first have to have a deep intimacy and connection with ourselves. 

We have to know what matters most, where our boundaries are, and who we are willing to be for that connection. 

And even with that connection to ourselves, the person we might want a deep connection with may not be  capable of loving us in the way we want to be loved. 

Start with you. See you. Love you. Know you. 

3 Takeaways:

  1. Start with yourself. In what ways are you having time for yourself? 

  2. How are you loving, seeing and knowing YOU?

  3. You do YOU.

I have some open coaching slots for February. Let me know if you want to connect further and learn more about how we can work together.


I get to do this.


More curiosity in 2024