If you were to start your year off with a one word reminder, I'd recommend the word: curiosity

I have been thinking a lot about how much the world is splintering and fighting for very different ideals, and it can make it hard to want to bridge to be around people that might be very different from us.

Politics, wars, the environment -- I could go on and on about all the ways that the world is divisive right now. 

But, what if...

What if we approached each of these conversations with curiosity? 

What if your thought approaching the cashier at the store, a colleague or your spouse with, "What can I learn here?" 

We spend so much of our time planning what we are going to say, how we are going to rebut another's comments, or how we can show we are right in a situation. 

What if we just paused to see what we could learn from another person?

You might find you went to the same college, grew up in the same town or state, or love the same board games.

The world is smaller than you think. 

In 2024, I encourage us all to find ways to connect, come together and feel less divided. 

It all starts with curiosity.

It all starts with the thought, "What can I learn?"

3 Takeaways

  1. How can you be more curious?

  2. What new thing can you learn about the person you are interacting with?

  3. What commonality did you find? 

I have some open spots in January. If you are wanting to transform where you are at in your life, reach out to me and we can chat more about the changes you want to make in your life.

Here's to more curiosity! 


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