Serial People Pleaser
How many of you are serial people pleasers?
I am a recovering people pleaser.
I grew up being taught that if I could be good and quiet I could make everything better.
But it wasn’t better, because I was not being authentically me. I was what everyone else wanted me to be.
We do not need to be everything for everyone.
We need to make mistakes. We need to learn from them. That is what makes us better.
So many of us (women especially) are people pleasers and do not know how to quit.
I love teaching my son that he has breadth to make mistakes, that he does not have to be perfect, and I show him that by making mistakes myself.
Again, I am a recovering people pleaser.
We want to do our best, take care of everyone and everything, while also being fit, healthy, and present all the time.
Well — it is just not possible.
What do YOU want? How do YOU want to show up? That is what matters.
How can you do what you WANT and not what others want you to do?