Shifting your thoughts out of first gear

I have been feeling a bit stagnant in the last few weeks — kind of stuck in first gear.

My long haulers Covid-19 symptoms (5 months long) will not go away and my thoughts keep coming back to:

“Damn this is hard.”
”I cannot do all that I want.”
”I don’t deserve this.”
”Why is this happening to me?”

All the “poor me” thoughts can make me feel like I am a victim and got a shitty deal.

I can keep feeling bad for my circumstance or I can change my thoughts to:

“I continue to learn to listen to my body.”
”I am going to take it one day at a time.”
”I love the extra snuggles I get with my boys.”
”All the work will happen as it needs to — let the worry go.”

These thoughts help me to feel peace, that the pressure to do it all is off the table. I take care of me.

What is the big thing happening in your life that you are agonizing over, feeling bad about, or just generally feeling stuck?

All we ever have to do is to dig in and look at the thoughts we are thinking, and decide if we want to continue to believe them and continue to give them energy.

I feel the difference in the energy in my body when I change my thinking from “Damn this is hard” to “I am going to take it one day at a time.”

I breathe differently.

Try it and let me know how it goes for you. If you are stuck, send me a note, and we can chat further about shifting from thoughts that don’t serve you to thoughts that bring you energy.


Choose to not feel guilty


What did you learn about YOU today?