Survival Mode
Danger, danger.
That is how so many of us live our lives.
We are constantly in a mode that means we are stressed and seemingly combating danger.
Whether that be the long hours we work with no rest for our bodies or our brains, or a bad relationship that keeps us in constant fight or flight mode, or the toll we put on our body either from not taking care of ourselves — with too much food or alcohol, or even the opposite of extremes of over-exercising.
How many of you are living in survival mode?
And…what would it look and feel like if you were not constantly responding to life from a place of stress?
What if you were not going through the motions, checking all the boxes, and living your life off of complete adrenaline?
I know because I’ve been there.
I lived the first half of my corporate life checking all the boxes, working crazy long hours, and my body and health took a toll. (And for what?!)
I was surviving, but I was not thriving.
Many of us do not even know what it looks like to thrive. We’ve been living out the story of what our families and the society around us wants us to be.
Good, successful, secure.
But at what cost?
If you are living in survival mode, I’d love to chat with you and together we can look at the stories you have around surviving and create a new one that allows you to thrive.
No more surviving — it’s time to thrive.