The best ideas come in the shower
I don’t know about you, but my best ideas come to me in the shower. I zone out, my phone is not nearby, and I let the water just bliss me out for the duration of my shower. And the ideas FLOW! So much so that when I get out of the shower, I rush to write all the ideas down, and sometimes the moment I step out of the shower I can’t write the ideas fast enough and then, whoosh — I can’t remember them all.
Why is the shower the best place for ideas? When we bliss out and let all the noise and chatter in our minds stop for those brief minutes we allow thoughts and feelings that we may not know were there to come alive. We hear what is really going on inside our minds.
What if you could take the zen/bliss of the shower and bring it into other moments in our day? You can. You just have to train your mind to do so. When we take a shower, it is a moment to pause, breathe and relax. We choose to breathe differently and let go of the chatter, and when the chatter is quieter, new ideas come forth. We can decide to bring shower moments into other parts of our day.
Try it. When you have a frustrating moment at work, with your partner, or kids — breathe differently. Maybe even imagine yourself in a hot shower and see if your brain slows down. Since we get to decide how we act or react, how we show up, and what we choose to think about each and every moment, let the shower be a metaphor for taking a moment to quiet the noise and chatter, breathe differently and let the new ideas flow.
I can teach you how to do this. Sign up for a 20 minute consult, and I can show you how to quiet your mind, look at your thoughts, and breathe differently. You will learn so much in a short 20 minutes!