You know the first pancake you make is always a bit too greasy (whether you use butter or oil to start in the pan).

It is the trial run.

It tells you if the pan is too cool or too hot, and it usually is at the bottom of the stack after you are full and satisfied.

So why do we keep the first pancake?

Are we settling or wanting to make sure there is enough to go around?

Why not throw it out and only keep the best?

It is such a great metaphor for life.

Keep what is most important in our life and get rid of what is not serving us.

Stop holding on to subpar in hopes that something better will come along.

What if we just knew we would always throw out the first pancake and trust that we would have enough and what we do have is important.

If you find that you are keeping that first pancake, let’s talk. Sign up for a free chat with me where we can find out why you keep holding on to it, and why it is hard to throw it out. It is a choice we have to make every time.


Listen More. Do Less. Be More Present.


Slow down and see each other