Listen More. Do Less. Be More Present.
We are constantly bombarded with information. Whether it be on Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Facebook, the news, blogs, podcasts — you name it. We consume information all day long and then we often finish the day in front of Netflix, or a mind-numbing game on our phone.
We are overbooked (usually double or triple booked) and just don’t have enough time in the day, which then spills over into the evening… and then the weekend.
It leaves us spread too thin with little time to be mindful and present with ourselves, feel our feelings and know what we want.
I feel it and you probably do as well.
Many of us might be pausing over the coming holidays to be with family, friends, to travel, or play. But — it might also be stressful. Our families are not perfect and they can often push our buttons more than our colleagues do.
As I ease out of 2021 and into 2022, I’m going to make time over the holidays to create some quiet space to listen more, do less and be more present. I always find it amazing that when I am quiet I hear the answers I need.
Are you with me? Where can you pause and listen to what is happening inside? When you are quiet? What are the thoughts that surface? Do you like them? Give yourself some time and space to find out.