The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your relationships
What if I told you:
“The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your relationships.”
Let that sink in for a second. Everything you are thinking matters.
How you approach conversations with your spouse, children, family, friends and at work is connected to how you are thinking about the situation.
We often think everything is happening to us, but it is how we are reacting to what is happening around us.
A few days ago I wrote about “Your Job is a Relationship” — if your job is one of the relationships in your life, then the quality of your thoughts about work, determine your experience at work.
Hard to believe but it is true.
A few simple steps to start to see this in your life:
Start with awareness.
Write down what you think is happening.
Ask yourself, is it really true or is it a story I have made up?
I will give you an example: You think you were left out of a critical conversation at work. Is it true? Were you left out? Do you have all the facts? Have you started to create a story in your head about being forgotten and it is causing you to spin out and think all these thoughts about others? What if you had a different thought? You might find that you become grateful that you were not involved because you did not have to go through all the politics and drama that happened in the meeting!
So many ways to look at the situation.
Step 1 is crucial. We all vent. We all get frustrated. We all place blame. Yet, it is all one part of the story. Having awareness of what you are thinking and feeling is the first step towards a clearer picture in the relationships in our lives.
I am here to dig in with you and look at the quality of your thoughts so you can grow amazing relationships. Reach out to schedule some time to chat.