Have you ever thought about how much time you spend at work? More time than you spend with your family on a daily basis.

If you knew you were in a relationship with your job, what kind of relationship would it be?

A happy, fulfilling, challenging relationship that is growing? Or, one that is causing you stress, anxiety, and exhaustion?

Relationships are not perfect. Life is not perfect, but we all know when we might (or might have been) in a romantic relationship that was not healthy. We see the signs and then we decide to leave or not.

Why do we not do the same with our jobs?

Are you happy? Is your job serving you?

And do you like who you are and how you show up in this relationship?

What is holding you back to having a healthy daily relationship at work? Fear? Not knowing what is next? Money?

The first step is the awareness of whether it is healthy or not. Do you know? Start by writing down all the thoughts you have about your job. Which ones bring you joy and which ones cause you feel like it might not be healthy?

If you feel stuck, reach out for a chat with me. I can show you easy ways to start to look at your whether you can make a shift and love your relationship with your job or if it is time to move on.


The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your relationships


The Art of Doing Nothing