The Art of Doing Nothing
Trust me, I have not mastered it.
I’m sure you haven’t either.
What if we could? What if we really could master the art of doing nothing?
It is hard.
We fidget. We find a list of things to do around the house or outside.
We fill all space with podcasts, books, music, Netflix, and taking care of other people.
I know I do. I love to learn and fill my brain with new ideas, but how often do we fill our brains with new ideas to avoid digging deeper into the emotions and places in our lives we do not want to know and feel? This Yung Pueblo quote sums it up for me:
“I was never addicted to one thing;
I was addicted to filling
a void
within myself
with things other
than my own love.”
What if we stopped?
Doing nothing means we allow that void to open. We dig into what we are hiding from and we start to heal.
The next time you clean the toilets, go for a walk, fold laundry, drive to the store. Keep the radio off, turn off your phone, and just be in that mindless mental space. Listen to what is calling out to you. What is it telling you? Are you listening?
And maybe just sit with a cup of coffee and look out the window and enjoy right where you are right now.