We make a lot of assumptions
I had to Google what I now remember my dad saying when I was a kid.
“Never assume, because when you assume, you make an ass of u and me.”
If Wikipedia is correct, then it is part of a script from the TV show “Odd Couple.”
Assumptions are interesting. Really they are just stories we tell ourselves.
Is that person not responding to you because they are mad, annoyed, or could care less? Or are they just busy right now?
We are constantly telling ourselves stories to make us feel safe, or to figure out where we fit in.
What if we stopped telling the stories? What if we waited to see what happened?
Usually when you spin out with the story, the next day or so the person gets back to us. They were extremely busy, or had something important come up in life that needed their attention.
Our assumption was we were not important or did not matter anymore.
We assumed.
What if we just spent our time focused on the facts?
Would we be free to not care about other people’s opinions?
How often do you really have the facts and how often are you making assumptions?
If you find you are creating stories and assumptions over and over again, sign up for a free consult call where we can chat about how you can stop making assumptions and free your time and energy for more important things.