What if we already know and are NOT listening?

I recently came across this quote:

“The word ‘listen’ contains the same letters as the word ‘silent’.” — Alfred Brendel

This is especially important with all the world is throwing at us. Many of us are going into being in lockdown or WFH for an entire year. Without our usual social environments and interactions we can start to doubt our place in the world. When we are not always near our colleagues, we may question if we are doing enough. When we are not seen, it is hard to get the same validation we might have received before Covid.

Imposter syndrome, abandonment, less feedback, less communication…the list can go on.

It may mean we question our voice, or we question if we are making the right decision.

If I told you that you already know what you need to do, would you believe me?

Maybe or maybe not.

We have always known, but somewhere along the way we trusted the voices of others over that voice inside. Others’ opinions or validation may have started to matter more. Regardless of what led us to stop listening, we can always get back to listening.

Your voice matters.

You know what you need to do.

Believe it.

When we stop and get quiet, silence the babble in our minds, and truly listen we usually know what we need to do.

If you having trouble silencing the thoughts in your mind to listen to what they are telling you, sign up for a free consult call with me. We can look at the noise that is taking up space and energy in your mind, and find the answer that is right for you.


We make a lot of assumptions


Showing up at a meeting