We are told that to be successful we have to work hard, be driven, and beat everyone else.

What if all that is bullshit?

What if your success is actually connected to just being happy?

What would that look like for you?

What if the ability to work, live, and travel all the time (whether that is in an airstream trailer, or bouncing from city to city all year long) was your idea of happiness — and resulted in success?

It looks different for everyone.

It could mean that you are living within your means and you have time and space for friends and family.

My idea of success is evolving. It is not about the money in the bank, or the hours of work I did during the week, but that I’m focused, present, aware while working and with my family and friends. It is about listening to my body, knowing when I’m stuck, and when I’m feeling alive.

You are the only one that can decide what success looks like to you.

Start with what makes you happy.

When you start from within you might find a different answer than those around you, and that you no longer have to keep up with the Jones’.

If you are not sure of what makes you truly happy, sign up for a call with me. I’ll know right away because you will light up when you talk about it.


Disconnected with yourself


Being on autopilot