What scares you and why?
I was thinking about fear today as I was chatting with my son who is learning to ride a bike.
He is scared we are going to let go.
He is scared of what he does not know and understand.
We are just like a four year old.
We are scared of what we do not know and understand.
We do not want to be let go.
We want to be held onto because we do not want to fall or fail, and because we do not know what will happen.
I love the smile that came across my face as I thought about how our minds are no different than his precious four year old mind.
If we let go we might find that we can ride the bike, say the hard thing, leave the job, walk away from what does not serve us.
We might just find freedom.
But first we have to let go.
If you are scared to let go, I am here to help you look at why. Sign up for a free consult call with me so we can dig deeper into your fears, and move towards freedom.