Do you believe that you always have a choice? Every single day you have a choice about how you show up, how you react, what you say and do. We do not always show up in the best way, we sometimes react like children (and regret it later) but we ALWAYS have a choice.

Does it feel freeing to you to think that you have a choice? Would you act differently and feel liberated to know that you are in control of how you show up? You can decide to let the noise at work bug you, or you can decide to be frustrated with your partner for what they are not doing, or that friend that never calls or tries to connect with you. Or, you can decide to let none of that shit bother you.

What if all that you focused on was how you showed up? With compassion, kindness, radical candor or love. What if none of the shit that is bothering you really matters? You get to decide. You have a choice. I find it incredibly freeing to know that I am in charge of me, and I am in charge of how I act, how I treat others, and what I bring into this world. It is NEVER about anyone else and their drama. It is always about what YOU bring.

Bring your best self. Ask for help. Be you.


Why are you choosing that thought?


Anything is possible